Paint Class: Introducing Colour Harmony (Primary Colours Edition)
John Le Flock

Paint Class: Introducing Colour Harmony (Primary Colours Edition)

Regular price $40.00 $0.00

This event took place in March 2023

Join Spiritual Path to Awakening (SPA) and local artist John Le Flock for a new spin on an old favourite: SPA Paint Classes. In March, we welcome community members of all experience levels to Paint Class: Introducing Colour Harmony (Primary Colours Edition).

Learn how to create colour harmony in your painting by reducing your palette to the primary colours only (red/blue/yellow) in acrylic & using colour mixing techniques to convey emotion in your work. 

Paint Class: Introducing Colour Harmony (Primary Colours Edition)

Friday, March 10, 2023

Downtown Abbotsford, Conference Room B, Trinity Memorial United Church 

2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


This event is open to all members of the community. Space is limited, please pre-register on the SPA website to reserve your spot. Upon registering, you will be prompted to download a digital document that contains all the event details. Please email if you have difficulty downloading the pdf.

Trinity Memorial United Church is located at 33737 George Ferguson Way in downtown Abbotsford, BC. V2S 2M4. Free parking is available onsite (in the church parking lot) for event attendees. The event will take place in “Conference Room B,” located on the upper level of the church. Entry points: the office’s entrance if you’re comfortable with stairs or accessible entry via the sanctuary. Both entry points are located off of Trinity Street.

By attending this event, you consent to you and your party (if applicable) potentially having your photo taken. The photos may be shared on the website and/or social media accounts for Spiritual Path to Awakening and the event facilitator.

By registering for this event, you also agree to SPA's Event Ticket Cancellation Policy, downloadable HERE.  

Kindly note, there is no outside food permitted at SPA events. 

Artist Background:

Name:  John Le Flock

Multimedia Artist & airbrush instruction. Art instructor for many schools in the Fraser Valley over the past 20 years. Instruction at the Fraser Valley University, Pro D Day instructor for teachers. Artist & instructor for " The Great Blue Heron Reserve'' for 20yrs. Newspaper artist, cartoonist, portrait & mural artist. Art instructor for special needs groups as The Fraser Valley Brain injury Society, Pivot Point (for Autism).

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