“The Afterlife: Multi-Faith & Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives” 6-Week Virtual Series (INDIVIDUAL TICKETS)
Spiritual Path to Awakening

“The Afterlife: Multi-Faith & Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives” 6-Week Virtual Series (INDIVIDUAL TICKETS)

Regular price $10.00 $0.00

This event took place in January/February 2022. 


Spiritual Path to Awakening welcomes you to join us for the six-week, virtual series “The Afterlife: Multi-Faith & Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives” with Harold Rosen. 

Dates: Weekly, Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Event Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (each week)

Platform: Zoom

About ‘The Afterlife’ Series:

How do the major religious cultures of our world address the issue of Life After Death? How do these beliefs and practices compare to the findings of Near-Death Experience Research? What light do these views and investigations cast on the Purpose of This Life in general, and the Meaning of Our Lives in particular? Harold Rosen, a community interfaith educator, will offer multi-faith, multi-disciplinary, and integrative perspectives while facilitating an open exploration. 

You are welcome to register for the full six-week series or sign up for any of the individual sessions. Please find the weekly breakdown below:

Week #1 (January 11/22): Course Introduction, Near-Death Experience Research, Indigenous Beliefs & Practices

Week #2 (January 18/22): South Asian Beliefs & Practices:  Hindu, Buddhist & Sikh

Week #3 (January 25/22): East Asian Beliefs & Practices:  Confucian, Taoist & Shinto

Week #4 (February 1/22): Middle Eastern Beliefs & Practices:  Zoroastrian & Islamic

Week #5 (February 8/22): Western Beliefs & Practices:  Jewish, Hellenic & Christian

Week #6 (February 15/22): Contemporary Spiritual & Baha’i Beliefs & Practices, Course Review

Cost per ticket to attend full six-week series: $45.00

Cost per ticket to attend each individual session: $10.00 (per event)

This event is open to all members of the community. Space is limited, please pre-register on our to reserve your spot. 

About Harold Rosen:

Harold Rosen is a community interfaith educator and serves as the coordinator of the Abbotsford Interfaith Movement (AIM).  He has master’s degrees in Education, Philosophy and Religious Studies.  Since the year 2000 he has designed and taught about 200 community courses on subjects such as world religions, civilizations, cultures, comparative philosophies, evolution, science and spirituality, lifespan development and aging, women mystics, prophecies, and the afterlife.  He is the author of “Founders of Faith” and “Eye to the Ages”, and is now working on “Mirror of God”. 

“I am a lifelong student and teacher of world religions with master’s degrees in religion, education and philosophy.  A Unitarian minister for 25 years and a Baha’i since the year 2000, I serve as a Community Interfaith Educator in the Vancouver, Canada area.  With my wife Wendy, I am active in Baha’i community work, cycles of teaching, and interfaith outreach.  Since the year 2000, I designed and taught about 200 community courses in quite varied settings.  Content areas include: world religions and history of ideas, major civilizations, science and spirituality, as well as evolution and development in interdisciplinary perspective.  My various educational and interfaith experiences, and my love for learning and teaching enable me to serve as an effective and inspiring teacher on diverse philosophical, religious and cultural themes.”  

Harold Rosen is a community interfaith educator living in Abbotsford with his wife Wendy, serving the Baha’i Faith, contributing to community building, while designing and teaching public courses on progressive revelation and world history.  He is the author of “Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God’s Messengers” (Baha’i Publishing, Wilmette) and “Eye to the Ages: The Rise, Fall and Progressive Renewal of Civilization” (un-published, but in the George Ronald Archive, Oxford).

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