Observing World & Inner Peace at 15 MINUTES FOR PEACE
This event took place in November 2022
Spiritual Path to Awakening (SPA) & the Abbotsford Interfaith Movement (AIM) welcome the community to a special edition of 15 MINUTES FOR PEACE, ahead of World Peace Day, to observe world & inner peace. An impactful 30-minute event in the heart of Abbotsford.
Join us from 12:15pm - 12:45pm at the International Friendship Garden, located behind the Abbotsford Clearbrook Library. First, we will gather beneath the Golden Tree monument for ‘15 MINUTES FOR PEACE’: a few moments of mindful focus & peace building led by Art Turnbull of the Abbotsford Interfaith Movement. Beginning immediately after at 12:30pm, Leanne from Spiritual Path to Awakening will guide attendees through infusing the intention of peace into a personal item. Bring your own crystal, river stone, charm, etc. to partake.
Event: Observing World & Inner Peace at 15 MINUTES FOR PEACE
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Time: 12:15pm - 12:45pm
Location: The International Friendship Garden
FREE & no pre-registration required!
This event is open to all members of the community, no experience necessary. RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE! We encourage attendees to dress/prepare accordingly for the weather.
The International Friendship Garden is located behind the Clearbrook Library at 32320 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford, V2T 6N4. Free, limited parking is available onsite.
By attending this event, you consent to you and your party (if applicable) potentially having your photo taken. The photos may be shared on the website and/or social media accounts for Spiritual Path to Awakening, the Abbotsford Interfaith Movement, and the event facilitator.
About Art Turnbull:
Art Turnbull is a retired Anglican Priest and Military Chaplain. Art is a native British Columbian but has worked and served in nearly all parts of Canada over 60 plus years. In Abbotsford Art has been a volunteer in several city activities, a contributor to parish life in the local Anglican Church of Canada (St. Matthew Parish), is a founding member of Abbotsford Interfaith Movement (AIM), and keeps fit by walking and talking.
Art is the AIM lead for the 15 MINUTES FOR PEACE which takes place every Tuesday at 12:15 to 12:30pm. at the International Friendship Garden on George Ferguson Way. This time is dedicated to focussing on what peace may be, is a time out for a weekly sharing in serenity, a momentary reminder that love is needed to heal the world. The focus is quite aware that this little effort may seem small but contributes to a huge worldwide movement.
To learn more about the weekly ‘15 MINUTES FOR PEACE’ initiative, visit the separate listing on the SPA website HERE.